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    The people are so friendly and helpful!

    Article26 Sep, 2023
    Jaco Viljoen

    I relocated to the Netherlands on 30 August 2023, just two days before starting work. Even from the plane and while driving to my apartment, I noticed and remarked about how green it is. Driving next to beautiful landscapes (after almost getting into the driving side of the vehicle because everything is the opposite side here) I asked a lot of questions and was taken away by the very nature. Living near a natuurreservaat gives me the opportunity to go walk in the nature every day I work from home.

    The very next day I walked to the station to get a train card to go to work the following day in Amsterdam, and near the station, a man stopped next to me at the traffic light on his bike. While waiting the man suddenly started talking to me and said that I was wearing South African clothes. He also immediately offered to help me to the station and get a train card (the people are so friendly and helpful). After a short chat, the traffic light indicated that he was allowed to ride (the pedestrians had to wait a few moments longer), and as we moved, the rain came pouring down. My very first experience of going for a walk with the sun shining, just to be greeted by rain.

    My first day at work was also quite an experience as I first had an appointment at the gemeente and then took the train to Amsterdam. Working with the government entities of the Netherlands thus far has just been a joy – every time I had an appointment, I have been helped way before the actual start of the appointment (even at the embassy in South Africa). After getting to the train station, I accidentally took the wrong train and once getting to Amsterdam, I got lost again walking to the office. First day getting lost and it has been a Friday, what a way to start in the Netherlands 😊

    My first month in the Netherlands has been such a great experience and learning opportunity, from getting to your destination, doing shopping and not knowing any of the brands (self-checkout is just so efficient here), and learning how to recycle and put your garbage in the underground containers. But just enjoying everything and seeing it as a learning opportunity makes this whole time just a lot of fun!

    Jaco Viljoen 1

    Me when I got my bike – even the surroundings in the city are green!

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    The green fields I saw riding home after I got my bike.

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    A path in the natuurreservaat where I get to walk regularly.


    • Jaco Viljoen, Software Developer

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